Important Notice Regarding Microsoft Windows 10

Thank you for your continued patronage of our products.
As described below, Microsoft will discontinue support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025. Along with this, we would like to inform you of the support status (final supported version) of our current products.

Final versions supported on Windows 10

The final versions supported on Windows 10 and their release dates are as shown below.

Our product name Final supported version Release Date/Japan(*2)
EXCESS-HYBRIDⅡParts CAM V10.1 Febrary,2025
CAM-TOOLCAM-TOOL AM V21.1 April,2025
AIQ V18.1 Summer,2025
CG Series *1-1
CAM-TOOL for NX *1-2
CraftMILL Undecided(*3) 2025

  • Support for the final version compatible with Windows 10
    Support will be provided until the next version is released (scheduled for 2026). However, we will not support any OS-dependent problems after Microsoft's support ends (October 14, 2025)
  • Customers using Windows 10
    In order to use our products with confidence, we ask that you prepare for migration by introducing a PC with Windows 11Pro preinstalled or upgrading your OS. (Please also check the compatibility status of peripheral devices and software.)
    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our nearest branch office.

* Microsoft, Windows 10 and Windows 11 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
